The article touches on some aspects of Nizami's work, which gave a new
direction to lyrical and epic poetry and had a strong impact on the literary and artistic
thought of the entire Middle East. We express our opinions about the Divan of the
genius poet, who gave pearls to the treasury of human culture and created a literary
school, the issues of the poet's nationality, Turkism in his works are reconsidered,
various attempts to clarify the date of his death are repeated. It is noted that a new
stage of Azerbaijan's literary and aesthetic thought has begun with Nizami Ganjavi.
We comment on the poet's attitude to the question of the relation of art to life, the
correct reflection of reality, the connection of literary thinking with the reality of life.
We show the invaluable role of Nizami's creative views and opinions on words, art,
artist, the beauty of content, the perfection of form, the essence of the artistic word,
moral-educational significance, etc. in enriching the literary thought of the East and
Azerbaijan, which is an integral part of it. The influence of Nizami's enlightened
ideas on human society, state-power, justice-equality, which preceded the period of
hundreds of years, on the epic poetry of the Middle East is emphasized. It is noted
that the great poet separated the main parts of Eastern epic poetry – tovhid, minajad,
nat, merajname, madh etc. from the main text by placing them at the beginning of the
work, thus creating a new composition of epic poetry of the Near and Middle East
and that Nizami's followers also compiled their works in this way. It is emphasized
that the propagation of intellect, perfection, science, knowledge, high moral qualities,
moral perfection, the concept of a free, happy country, ideal man, ideal society
turned an ideal world of literature of the poet into a code of ethics, beauty,
enlightenment and anthropology.
Açar sözlər: Nizami, Xəmsə, Divan, ideal insan, ideal cəmiyyət, epik şeir
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