Legend about Yusuf and Zulaikha was one of the commonly used and favorite themes in Eastern and also Azerbaijani literature.The basis of this theme was taken from the life story of Prophet Joseph, narrated in Torah (Genesis, 37-50) and the 12th sura (chapter) of Holy Qur`an. There is given all Joseph’s life in Torah – from birth to his death. And, in Qur’an unlike stories of other Prophets, the details of which are scattered throughout the Holy Qur`an, the history of Prophet Joseph was revealed completely in one surah. With time, the original version of this parable, given in the sacred books, underwent changes. Though, the main motifs were preserved and reflected in literary works. These main motifs have been used in ashug poetry, as well as in classical and modern Azerbaijani literature. Ashugs repeatedly reminded such symbols as “the tears of Jacob”, “Joseph’s beauty”, “Zuleykha’s beauty”, “Joseph's Cloak”, etc. in their poems. The presented article is dedicated to the researching the using of this famous legend in an ashug poetry on the example of ashug lyrics.
The Yusuf and Zuleykha’s plot in Azerbaijan ashug activity
Keywords: ashug activity, Yusuf, Zuleykha, Jacob, Egypt