Merely a little part of the literary and scientific works belonging to medieval pen-masters of Azerbaijan and Near-Middle East has been published at the level meeting the requirements of the modern textual criticism. The most ideal variant within the process of including the currently published works of the authors (who lived several centuries ago) written in Azerbaijani Turkic, Persian and Arabic into the scientific circulation is the availability of the author᾽s autograph. Nevertheless, this a rare case. The manuscript copies of the works of our such literary figures as Nizami Ganjavi, Khagani Shirvani, Falaki, Zulfigar, Nasimi, Khatai and others that were copied in the dates closer to the period of the existence of the indicated persons is considered as a ground in compiling the scientific-critical text. Sometimes the preparation of the Рисаля. Арашдырмалар топлусу. 12.2016 32 scientific-critical text requires completely distinct investigation methods due to the certain pecularities of that heritage. Paritcularly complicated situation relates to the restoring in bulk the heritage of Baba Tahir Uryan, the philosopher-poet of 11th century. The autograph of Baba Tahir is unknown. Another moment that generates the hardship relates to the fact that Baba Tahir has written his works not in literary Persian but in folk language and these works spread out orally being written afterwards. Each of various nomadic Iranian peoples has protected those verses not in their original dialect but in accordance with their own dialects and put in writting namely in similiar form. Traditional methods for the compliation of the scientific-critical text are useless in this regard. The uniquness of the heritage and the existing state of the text require fully new and individual research and pattern of compilation. At the first stage one should select the most reliable 200-250 out of Baba Tahir᾽s nearly 400 discovered dubeytis and compose the frequency glossary of the words used in quatrains on their background. At the second stage one should collect as many as possible and relatively ancient historical manuscripts as well as select out more variants of each dubeyti in copies that are similiar or almost unchanged and finally compare the lexical strucuture of the verses with the frequency glossary. At the third stage one should make up the basic text composed of the dubeytis relatively close to each other regarding their lexical structure, precisely point out all copy diffrences as well as coment the dialectical signs hardly undstood in the references. If relatively ancient dubeytis with scarcely changed linguistic pecularities are encountered, they should be pointed out as additions to the scientificcritical text. If the number of such verses is considerable and their sources are reliable, a third way for compilation of the scientific-critical text can emerge. The frequence glossary can be composed in line with the language of these dubeytis, and the modernized dubeytis identified as a belonging of Baba Tahir can be corrected and more precisely restored in conformity with that glossary. Р
Keywords: Baba Taher, dubeyti, scientific-critical text, Valentin Zhukovsky, Iranian dialects, manuscript, frequency dictionary