In the article, the outstanding textualist, translator and literary critic
Mammadagha Sultanov's poems like "Thieves of the Century", "Roar", "Bolshevik
Factory", "From Poetry to Technology", "On the Rise", "Attack on the Wings",
"Under the Lenin`s flag" published in the periodicals in the 30s of the 20th century are
involved in the research. It is noted that the author propagated the ruling Soviet
ideology in the collection "Attack" of which he was the responsible secretary, partly
in popular magazines of the time such as "Revolution and Culture", "Eastern
Woman" and in literary almanacs such as "April Flames". In addition, in those
poems, based on examples he called for education and culture and tried to eliminate
illiteracy. The poetic heritage of the poet is analyzed against the background of the
events of his time and based on materials related to his biography.
POETRY CREATION BY MAMMADAGA SULTANOV (Based on periodical press materials of the 1930s)
Keywords: poet, original creative examples, free poetry, socialist realism, periodical press