He was among the brightest figures of the 20th century literary criticism and oriental studies of Azerbaijan. The main features distinguishing Akram Jafar (1905-1991) as a scientist were a wide range of universality and knowledge. Notwithstanding he began his scientific career in his capacity of linguist as one of the most diligent pupils of academician N.Y.Marr, later he was engaged in researching the history of Persian and Turkic-language literature. He was considered to be one of the most esteemed figures in the area of Oriental poetry, particularly in the field of aruz within the oriental studies of his time. Principality, objectivity, intransigence and accuracy were peculiar to the scientigic image of Akram Jafar. He read very attentively any work as its editor and reviewer, defined from the smallest spelling mistakes to the serious scientific errors and spared no efforts as well as assistance for the perfect publication of the work. Among the rich scientific heritage of Akram Jafar a number of investigations that failed to have been published when the scientist was alive, are of particular interest. Those critical comments by Akram Jafar analyze some articles and books of certain famous scholars published in periodicals of 1950-1980. The observations of Akram Jafar were distinct with their accuracy, correctness and logic due to his comprehensive knowledge of the Near and Middle Eastern peoples᾽literature of the period exceeding thousand years and as well as his skills to review the literary personalities and literary activities in broad context. His critical articles were actually a master class. The shortage of scientific and scientifically popular publications in the Soviet period, the blocking of the publication of scientific books via long queues and abundant bureaucratic obstacles generated big difficulties and challenges for the self-expression of researchers. On the other hand, along with political censorship there existed editorial control which in some cases served ideology and official political morality of that time than science. Namely subjective obstacles became the factors that prevented the publication of a number of critical articles of Akram Jafar. Whereas all these studies bear fairly objective position from scientific aspect and are based on irrefutable arguments and evidence. The Soviet ideological machine which impudently proclaimed even the most powerful earthquakes to have resulted without loss and destruction, managed to prevent the sharp debates and disagreements in open press as if it had avoided conflicts. The critical articles on celebrities were rarely given space except the cases relating to the confidential order of official ideology. Namely such kind of approaches has led Akram Jafar's considerable critical researches to stay for years in the drawer of the writing desk. Had these Рисаля. Арашдырмалар топлусу. 15.2018 – ISSN 2522-4808 (print) 25 researches been published on time, they would have had significant impact on scientific life. His sophisticated critical writings on the articles and books by such well-known academicians as Mirza Ibrahimov, Mammad Jafar Jafarov, Bakhtiyar Vahabzada and many others did not end merely with disclosing the shortcomings in their works involved in the analysis. In this ordinary researches of Akram Jafar there was a systematic review of the issues, focusing on a some of the less investigated problems of classical Azerbaijani and Eastern literature. Had these research works by Akram Jafar been published in the years when they were written, they would have had a positive impact on the development of philological thought and lead to the soonest finding of the long-standing answers to a number of questions that had been open for decades. Unfortunately, this did not happen, so the irreparable shortcomings were then circulated via passing from book to book. These studies, which were first introduced to the scientific community by Akram Jafar's personal archive, are still actual in many respects. At the same time, these critical articles deserve being studied as classic samples of scientific principality as well as being exemplary.
Attempts to restore the truth of classical Azerbaijani and Eastern literature in Akram Jafar's critical researches that failed to have been published
Keywords: persian and Turkic-language literature, scientigic image of Akram Jafar, comprehensive knowledge, political censorship, editditorial control, objective position, critical researches, philological thought, personal archive