One of the renowned masters of the word in Karabakh is Karbalayi Safi whom
we know as Ashug Valeh. Distinguished Azerbaijani scientist Firudin bay Kacharli
reports that Karbalayi Safi, known by his pseudonym Valeh, was the contemporary
of Karbalayi Abdullah Jani, Baba bay Shakir and was a man of pleasure, was born in
the Gulabi village of his predecessors in Karabakh in 1766, was alive in 1934 (Hijri
1250) and lived 60-70 years.
Among the later researchers who agreed that Karbalayi Safi Valeh died in 1822
prof. M.Hakimov, prof. M.Allahmanli, prof. P.Afandiyev consider 1722 while prof.
M.Kasimli considers 1720; prof. F.Mahdi and others 1729 to be his birth date.
This article presents a broad critical summary of the writings devoted to Ashug
According to the author, referring to the camera images, the history of Shusha's
foundation and several other facts, Firudin bay Kocharli’s thoughts are more reliable.
The article, for the first time, presents the names of the women of Karbalayi Safi
Valeh’s family depicted in the image of 1842.
As reported by the author of the article, most of the writings devoted to the poet
Karbalayi Safi son of Mahammad, known by the pseudonym Valeh, who was born in
the Gulabi village of Karabakh and died there when he was approximately 60-70
years old is not true (Except for the prominent Azerbaijani scientist Firudin bay
Kacharli). The biography formed for him was taken from the epic “Valeh and
Zarnigar”. Like Kasim bay Zakir, Baba bay Shakir and several other prominent
literary people of Karabakh. Valeh was also a poet, but not an Ashug.
The article gives information about Ashug Maharram as well. Ashug Maharam is
one of the famous Ashugs of Karabakh.
Keywords: Karabakh, Ashug Valeh, F.B.Kocharli, camera images, Shusha, Zarnigar