It is known that the literary press is formed on certain cultural-historical circumstances and it is the expression of it. The power of influence the literary press is closely connected with the literary trend which it represents. The formation of literary press depends on aesthetic and ideological base of the literary movement for concrete historical period. It is characterized with the special ideological-artistically features. For the first time in Azerbaijan this mission was realized by the founder of the first newspaper in Azerbaijani the great enlightener H.Zardabi. This year is 145- anniversary of “Ekinchi”s (“Ploughman”) establishment. Alongside with dreams and ideas of the founder of Azerbaijani national press came to realize, his ideas about national independence, revolutionary events and the beginning of national independence and romanticism movement were also described at national press. The newspapers “Shargi-Rus” (1906-1907) by Mahammadagha Shahtakhtly and “Hayat” (1905-1906) by Ahmed bek Aghaoghlu and Ali-bek Huseinzade were the heralds of revolutionary enlightenment in the history of national press and thought of XX century. National Museum of Azerbaijan Literature is one of the most important centers of study and preservation literary and cultural values of Azerbaijani people. It is presented in the exhibition of the National Museum of Azerbaijan Literature named after Nizami Ganjevi the materials reflecting the history of foundation the magazine “Ekinchi” and other documents about magazines that further continued “Ekinchi” traditions in Azerbaijani press. At the exhibition were put on display the first issue of the magazine published in 1877, the original issues of “Keshkul” magazine, issues of “Hayat” and “Nijat” magazines published on textile and scientific researches dedicated to the history of Azerbaijani National press formation.
The reflection of national identity ideas on Azerbaijan’s national press
Keywords: establishment of press, national press; Nizami museum’s exhibition