Artistic creativity of Azerbaijani literature in the end of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st century is mainly studied under the name "Independence period of literature". The literary works generated over these decades are wealthy with contents and ideas such as an exposure of the Soviet political regime, national selfawareness, return to the historical roots and so on. The well-known Azerbaijani writer Mammad Oruj’s novels occupy a special place in the collection of "The independence period of Literature". The Armenian occupation, the Dashnak-Armenian attacks on Azerbaijanis, appeared sometimes secretly, sometimes explicitly in the 20th century, found its reflection in writer’s novels on historical events. The given article analyzes the idea-content and style properties of Mammad Oruj’s novel “Black mirror” (2015) and emphasizes its significance in finding out Azerbaijani historical realities in 1918-1920s. The years 1918-1920 are the particular stage of the Azerbaijani history which is remembered with the revolutions, national independence, coup d’etat, political arrests and emigrations. On the other hand, the uninterrupted Armenian-Dashnak attacks to the various Azerbaijani regions, the genocide of Azerbaijanis also is a bloody, screaming page of this history. In the novel “Black mirror” by the writer Mammad Oruj, the events of 1919- 1920 in the territory of “Boyuk (Great) Vedi”, the land of ancient Azerbaijan – the attacks of the Armenian Dashnak army on the village and the struggle and life of the Vedi people, as well as the complex political landscape of the time find their artistic expression. The novel "Black Mirror" is also a remarkable work in terms of studying the toponymy and geographical names of the Iravan region, one of the historical lands of Azerbaijan.
The realities of the occupation of Vedibasar in the artistic creativity (Based on Mammad Oruj’s historical novel “Black mirror”)
Keywords: Armenian-dashnak attacks, Toponyms of Big Vedi village, horse kult, “Mudros” agreement