Literary studies conducted on the basis of the primary sources of the scientific community are faced with such a fact:From the early years of the Soviet power, not only personalities, as well as art and creative samples were repressed for their national-spiritual weight. The policy of creating Azerbaijan soviet literature did not satisfied subordinating of new works to available ideology and changed the content of classical works. One of these works is Suleiman Sani Akhundov’s “Gypsy girl”. But regretfully should be noted that the work was not drawn into research, was included to mass media with distorted version, has been studied in the children literature, and trained in the textbooks of the secondary school. For the first time in the article, three different versions of the "Gipsy Girl" are analyzed comparative.
Investigation of S.S. Akhundov’s “Terrifying stories”: problems and perspectives
Keywords: “Gipsy girl”, children’s literature, Suleiman Sani Akhundov, national-spiritual values